A cataract is a clouding of the clear lens in the eye and is one of the leading causes of vision impairment. While cataracts most commonly occur in those who are older, they can develop in younger people as well. Some babies are born with a cataract.
In early stages a cataract may not cause vision problems. However, some of the common signs associated with advanced cataracts include blurred vision, glare sensitivity, distortion or double vision in the affected eye, or a feeling of looking through a veil or curtain.
Those most at risk include people who have: A family history of the eye condition, diabetes, an eye injury, exposed their eyes to sunlight without protection over a long period and smokers.
When symptoms begin to appear, vision may be improved through cataract surgery, we are able to provide a referral to local Ophthalmologists to arrange cataract extractions.
For more information, please visit, Vision Australia.
Yes! Many people with small cataracts that are not advancing can be helped with new prescription glasses and a regular eye health examination.
When cataracts begin to affect your vision, interfering with your ability to work or drive, your optometrist will talk to you about the benefits of referring you to an ophthalmologist (an eye surgeon) to consider surgery to remove the cataracts.
This operation is generally uncomplicated and has a very high success rate although, like all surgery, complications can occur.
Aging is the main factor associated with cataracts. Other factors include:
Eye injury
Long-term exposure to UV radiation from the sun
Effects of previous eye surgeries
Because cataracts often progress slowly, you may not know you have a cataract or whether your cataract is making your vision worse.
The best way to monitor your cataract is with a regular eye examination with your optometrist who will help you maximise your vision, ensure your vision is safe for driving and talk to you about the right time for surgery to have the cataract removed.
As part of your eye examination, our optometrist will check the health of your eyes. This includes using a special microscope to look at the lens inside your eye for any sign of cataract formation. Using these results and information from other tests, optometrists are able to tell if you have cataracts.
As the saying goes 'prevention is better than cure'!
By having regular eye exams, the Optometrist is able to detect early stages of cataracts
Wearing sunglasses with UV protection can help reduce the risks of cataracts.
Maintaining a healthy diet, managing chronic conditions like diabetes, and avoiding smoking can support overall eye health.