Please call 02 6882 6633
emergency eyecare
We offer emergency services that require immediate and urgent eye care attention.
If your eye is injured, has something in it or if you are experiencing sudden symptoms such as flashing or flickering lights, please contact us immediately on 02 6882 6633.
We will schedule you with an Optometrist to check what treatment you require. Seeing an Optometrist right away to help reduce the risk of harming your vision.
If you happen to have an emergency occur outside of business hours, do not delay treatment - visit your nearest emergency department.
What symptoms do I need to be concerned about?
Red eyes
Sore eyes
Injured eyes (eg scratch, metal or other foreign body)
Sudden vision loss or distorted vision
Double vision
New floaters or spots in your vision
Flashing or flickering lights in your peripheral vision
Sudden onset of blurry vision
Sudden loss of vision in either eye or both eyes
Loss of peripheral vision
Flashes of light in your peripheral vision
Clouding, fogging or smudginess in the centre of your vision.
Waviness detected in your vision.
Sudden onset of discharge in your eyes - watery, mucous, white, gunky or sticky in nature.
Sudden sensitivity to glare and light
Sudden severe pain in your eyes.
Severe headaches on one side, frontal or temporal.y remove the object.